Encountering God
God is not your boss
You are not God's employee. You are his beloved. 9/13
Truly One of Us
Considering Matthew's genealogy of Christ brings new meaning to the doctrine, "fully human, fully God." 12/11
The Mysterious Power of Presence
God's power manifests itself when we pay attention to the things he wants to show us. 1/08
Does Jesus Care?
When life is hard, we sometimes doubt whether Jesus will help us or even cares about our situation. John 11 puts these doubts to rest. 4/07
Where is Jesus Today?
We know what Jesus did with his life here on earth. We know he's coming back in glory someday. But what's he doing right now? 1/06
Establishing a Track Record
When we have a track record with God, we can look back at his faithfulness and gain courage for the future. The hard part is establishing the track record in the first place. 2/05
Do I Really Believe this Stuff?
One way God increases our faith is to bring us to a crisis where we have to decide — do we really believe him or not? 6/01
Swimming Lessons
Why can't we see where we're going when we're walking with God? 6/00
Throwing off My Light Meter
Trying to grasp God's holiness. 9/00
Ready for Christmas
Longing for Christmas and all its implications. 12/00